Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Hello everyone! I’m really excited to share my post for today! Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi is a novel that I had heard so much about this past month or so, and one that I was really excited to be able to read! Let’s jump into the review!

Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuval

Hey everyone! Todays post is going to be a review for the novel Sleeping Giants! This novel is one that I’ve been meaning to read for quite a while, and when I saw it was available as an audiobook through my library I decided to just take the plunge! Let’s get into the review!

Romantic Comedies I’m Trash For

Hello again everyone! Today I’m bringing to you all a Valentine’s themed post – because who doesn’t love love! I know a lot of people may not be dating during Valentine’s Day, and that is totally fine. You don’t need a significant other to celebrate the holiday of love. Love is for everyone, share itContinue reading “Romantic Comedies I’m Trash For”

Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff

I am writing this review 10 minutes after finishing this novel, and I am still in shock/bewildered about the ending of this novel, so let’s hope I don’t ramble too much. Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog for yet another review. This novel is one I have been meaning to read for an embarrassinglyContinue reading “Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff”

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Hey guys! Today I have a review for the book Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. This read has been one that I’ve been anticipating for a long, long while. I’m so glad that I was able to finally pick this novel up because I enjoyed the plot and character so very much. Let’s get intoContinue reading “Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo”

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

Hello everyone! This post is one that I am excited but slightly nervous to write. I’m excited because I enjoyed reading this novel so very much, but nervous because it was such a large, complicated, and detailed novel, and I really don’t know where to start. Therefore, I’d like for you all to give meContinue reading “The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson”


Hey guys! Since I went through a very horrible reading slump, a lot of what I did was TV and Movies. Therefore, I hope you guys are ready for the massive influx of posts about all the things I’ve watched. There is a lot. I’m starting with Gifted – because it was one of myContinue reading “Gifted”


This is a post that is very out of the ordinary for me. I’ve never really posted about television or movies on my blog before – but I felt as though this was the perfect place to start. After all, books tell a story, but so does film/television. I’m here to talk about (rave about)Continue reading “Suits”